Fighting in its current form can be a form of Russian roulette at the best of times. time, money and physical health with the threat of your opponent pulling out due to injury or illness looming over you sometimes until you get the call from the back to make the walk to cage on fight night. It happens time and time again which is one of the main reasons MMA is the hardest sport on the planet.

Female MMA has all of these problems, as well as having a far smaller pool of fighters to dip into!

So when GBTT athlete Kate “Queen of the South” Bacik saw that this weekends Cage Warriors 163 announced that the much anticipated debut of Sinéadh Ní Nualláin against Awa Sow was off, she sprung into action to make sure she let them know she was ready to step in!


Sow was someone who Bacik knew well as she defeated her at Cage Warriors 150 so knew if she acted fast and put some pressure on through social media, there was a good chance she could save the fight and give herself an opportunity to get a quick turn around before her planned fight in December for Combate Global.

After a tense couple of hours, she got the nod and started preparing for an impromptu weight cut to make sure she was on the money for weigh ins!




So here we are less than 24 hours away from Cage Warriors 163 and the Queen has every intention on stealing the show!! Best of skills for everyone but we all know who we will be rooting for!